Please find the latest information with regards to the continuation of nursery services and COVID-19.
Our focus is the health and safety of our Kingdom children and their families, as well as the staff here at Kingdom Pre-School.
First of all, you will be pleased to know that the children will be spending as much time outside as possible which we are sure they will enjoy and get a lot of value from. Having such a huge outdoor space really does benefit us in taking as much activity as we can outside.
Please read up on the latest Government advice:
Drop off/collection of your child:
When entering our car park you will see a lot of cones and signs, please enter and drive slowly. Once you have found a car parking space you will then head to the cone queues dependant on what room your child is in. Doves, Fawns and Lambs will queue on the left side of the building whilst Lions and Lion Leaders will wait on the right side and enter through the brown door. Parents are asked to drop their child off at the nursery door and not inside the nursery building. Once your child has been dropped off there is a designated parents exit lane.
When your child enters Kingdom:
Every child will wash their hands upon entering their room assigned bathrooms. They will then hang their belongings on their pegs and enter into their rooms. Please note: Fawns, Doves and Lambs have joined forces and will be playing within the same room.
We are very fortunate to have such a spacious setting which benefits the space that is needed to ensure we maintain physical distancing as much as possible.
Staff will only attend the nursery if they are symptom free, have completed the required isolation or a negative test result is confirmed. All staff will have their temperature taken on arrival and anyone with a high temperature will be sent home. If your child has any symptoms of COVID19 they will not be able to attend nursery and will have to be collected by a parent if they are unwell with high temperature during the day.
COVID positive:
If at any point, a staff member or child test positive for coronavirus the rest of their ‘key person globe’ will be sent home to self-isolate for 14 days. If a child has symptoms of coronavirus whilst at Kingdom they will remain in the fresh air and if possible isolated from other children. Following any symptoms within Kingdom, there will be a thorough clean of the entire setting.
Physical distancing:
Children are organised into ‘Key Person Globes’ and this determines the arrival and departures times of children. Staff will then remain with their allocated globe of children with the size of the group applied using the EYFS adult to child ration. The ‘globes’ will not mix during their times at the nursery. We will be holding playtime outside staggered but using our vast space as much as possible. If children or babies require a sleep they will be spaced appropriately and the bed linen and mattresses will be thoroughly cleaned as with usual procedure.
Education and Wellbeing:
Our curriculum will continue to be based on developmentally appropriate practice and focus on children’s stage of development and individual needs. Children will be supported in age-appropriate ways to understand the steps they can take to keep themselves and others safe, including regular hand washing and sneezing into a tissue. Our educational toys and objects will be cleaned daily and if a child requires a comforter this may have to remain at our setting – please talk to your child’s key worker if you have any worries about this.
What we are enforcing to keep you safe:
Only essential visitors will be allowed into the building (e.g vital building maintenance) and will be arranged outside of usual operating hours if possible. Food delivery/meal service will be in accordance with social distancing procedures. Temperatures will be taken of children and staff upon arrival, there are tissue stations in each globe and handwashing is advised for children and staff throughout the day. We have enhanced our cleaning regime more than it was previously, with a focus on communal toys and touchpoints. Our staff continue to use PPE for nappy changing and administration of first aid. Windows and doors will be kept open where possible to ensure ventilation.